Friday, May 29, 2009

Awww...the rain

There hasn't been many days hear lately where it hasn't rained. In fact, one day it rained so hard that our dock was completely under water. Due to this, the photo sessions have been pretty sparse...but here are a few shots from some I was able to squeeze in on days when there was no rain.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wallace Family Vacation

I took some time off to go on a family vacation with my mother's family. We had a great time even though it rained most of the time we were there. Below are a couple of shots from Davis, Oklahoma.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The End....

Okay, I know I said this before. But this was my last Senior this year. I really wish it wasn't, but pictures are due to the yearbook. I am sorta sad about it all. I really enjoyed each and every senior that I got the chance to spend time with this season. Again....CONGRATULATIONS 2009 QHS SENIORS!!!!

The love of a brother and sister...

Below is another senior who is graduating this year from QHS. He came out this weekend with his sister to get a couple of pictures made. They were so cute...made me miss my own brother.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poor Guy...

We all know that guys hate to have their pictures taken and especially when they are sick. I felt so sorry for this young man. He was very sick, but couldn't reschedule due to a deadline with the school's yearbook. He was such a great trooper though.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Graduation Approaches...

I took this young lady's senior pictures a few weeks ago, but she came back out to do a couple pictures with her cap and gown. This was one of my favories...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A family of 5...

No doubt where these children got their looks from with a mom and dad this cute...

Like Father, Like Son...

While at a family photo shot this weekend, I had the opportunity of photographing this father and son clowning around....

The beauty of nature....

I don't normally post my personal pictures on this blog; however, I took the below picture today out at Heather Neighbors' parent's retreat and loved the way it turned out.

Monday, March 30, 2009

The End...

No! I am not going anywhere, but the end has come to this year's QHS senior photo sessions. That is, unless I have some procastinators. But hey, better late then never. Right?! And I have to say, I had a ball taking this young man's photos. He was full of energy and as sweet as good be. We even got Junior and the gang to join him in a couple of the photos. Not that they have ever been camera shy.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Today I finally saw a senior wearing a gap and gown. And I have to say she looked great in it. Congratulations to all the seniors at QHS and else where!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009 be young and in love!

This week I got the opportunity to take some pictures of a couple of cute, young couples.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Peaceful Day....

Spring has finally arrived in full force. This weekend the weather was wonderful. The light breeze and sounds of birds singing was absolutely peaceful, as you can see from some of the photos from today's session. To view more photos, be sure to check out the website under "Seniors".

Friday, March 20, 2009

Some of my favorites...

Below are some of my favorites from today's photo session.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Beautiful Day...

The weather was just absolutely beautiful today and worked out really well for one of my client's photo sessions. We did both shots on site and off. Below are just a couple of pictures from the session. For a look at more pictures, be sure to check out my website at

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thank goodness...

Well, the rain finally left and althrough the sun wasn't quite out yet, I did get some photo sessions in on Sunday. We were finally able to get Chris's done...Thank Goodness. I am running a Spring Special, so make sure to check out the website for more information.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mother Nature...

Well, today I planned on taking some Senior photos, but Mother Nature did not feel like cooperating. She poured down rain on one of my sessions and caused me to cancel two others. Then she decides to turn all bright and shiney. By then, it was too late, because I had all ready called and rescheduled the remaining sessions. Oh well, that is Texas weather for you...and I wouldn't live anywhere else. Here are a few shots that I got before it began. Poor guy, he gets to go through it all again next week.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Session Begins....

It was nice to get back to taking pictures, now that the weather has turned nice again. Today I took Senior pictures for the sweetest girl. She made taking pictures a breeze.

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