Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Website

The website has been updated and is up and running. Make sure to check it out at: There you will find pricing, photo session information, etc. We are also currently running a special for Senior Pictures, so make sure to check it out.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gearing Up For Spring

Well, Spring is slowly approaching and I am gearing up for a busy season. I hope that you have had a chance to check out the new website at It is coming together slowly, but we are almost there. Just have a few more cosmetic changes to make. But the bulk of the information is online line. You will find the updated prices, as well as, information regarding how to book a session.

I have also been busily putting together some new backdrop ideals and hope to have done by March the following: a brick wall, barn doors, an old wall, and old corrugated metal siding. Also, I am working with a graphics designer who is designing a couple of muslin backdrops for me as well, and I should have the following by March: Texas flag, US flag, graffitti wall, brown tones muslin and white/gray tones muslin. This will be on top of the standard nature settings. So when calling to book an appointment, please give me some ideals of what you are wanting. (All photos are still done outdoors.) I hope to have some pictures posted to my website during the first week of March showing some of the different settings.

So keep checking back here and on my website and I hope to see you this Spring.

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